The Oscars - Noda Style

Everyone has heard of the 'Oscars', the dresses; the best and worst. The slips and trips; stairs and heels not a good idea. The acceptance speeches, that are more often than not interrupted by that music which gradually gets louder to "subtly" hurry you up. And most of all the fact that Leo has finally won a well deserved Oscar; what is it 6 nominations now? But has anyone ever heard of the 'NODAs'?

On the 5th of March after a hard days work; Jane, Leigh and myself drove up to Bristol to attend afore mentioned NODAs. Noda is the National Operatic & Dramatic Association, who attend all of the amateur dramatic productions in England, or in our case the Southwest, to write reviews based on the performance. Then at the end of the year they put together an awards ceremony to reward all of us for our outstanding contribution to theatre. This year, SADS (Sidmouth Amateur Dramatic Society) was nominated for 3 awards, for 2 productions, both of which I starred in a main role. For Snow White and the 7 dwarfs (I was Snow White) we had 2 nominations, 1 for outstanding choreography for Lucie Grace Welsmann and the other for The June Barker Memorial Cup for Best Pantomime. Our 3rd and final nomination was for our recent production of Much Ado About Nothing, (some of you may have read my previous blog, in which I talk about playing Hero.)

The event was black tie so we all got dressed up to the nines I worn a gorgeous black strapless dress, it had sparkles all along the top and cascading down one side, where it was slightly gathered. It was also floor length with a train so heels where defiantly required I'm pleased to say that my trusty black Kurts, with an electric blue heel, once again did a sterling job, and coupled with pearl earrings and sliver necklace and bracelet my look was nearly finished. I curled my hair and put on a splash of red lippy to complete my Hollywood Glam Look. 

The evening consisted of a full course meal, soup for starters, chicken breast, roasted veg and mash for main and tiramisu for pudding and of course lots of champagne and bubbles :D The awards were distributed evenly throughout the evening, with the different courses as breaks. All of our awards where near the end of the evening purely because we had been nominated for the more important awards, I mean who doesn't want to win Best Panto or Best Production it's the equivalent of winning best actor or actress.

Unfortunately we didn't win any awards that evening but we are thankful that we were even nominated, and lets just say we were very good at our 'we didn't win but we are so happy for you' faces by the end of the evening. Although we didn't win any awards it certainly didn't put a damper on the evening as we all thoroughly enjoyed getting dressed up and having a splendid time... the only thing that was missing was the music and dancing  --- maybe next time :)

I hope you've all enjoyed reading about my evening, I can assure you it was jolly good fun :) Speak soon.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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