Easter Cookies

Back in February I was having a daily scroll through Facebooks News Feed, as you do, and I came across a video from another fellow blogger, She Who Bakes. It was a video on making Crème Egg Cookies. Now I'm not a dedicated baker, all my baking tends to be done at my Grandmas under supervision. Although I am getting better I'm allow to run free now with just check ups, so she knows that I'm not burning the kitchen down. So when I saw this video I thought it would be the perfect thing to try. The only problem was it was February and I'm not a massive Easter celebrator, I mean Chocolate yeah sure but I only really celebrate Easter with chocolate eggs and a roast dinner on Easter Sunday and that's it. So February was a little to early for me to make Easter Cookies, so I did the sensible thing and saved the recipe until now.

You Will Need:

250g of Plain Flour,
125g of Caster Sugar
125g of Butter
1 Egg
and 3 Bags of mini Crème Eggs.
Plus a Fridge and an Oven preheated to 180c.

In her recipe She Who Bakes uses 3 bags of mini Crème Eggs however I only used two so the choice is up to you.
To begin with you need to mix all the ingredients together until it's a doughy ball then wrap it in cling film and pop it in the fridge for 15mins. At the same time unwrap all your yummy eggs... don't eat any you need all of them for the cookies... and pop them in the fridge to chill for 10mins. When time is up take out your dough and eggs. You will need to separate small bits of dough, and flatten them out. As you are flattening them put one mini crème egg into the middle of the flat dough, wrap the dough around it and using your palm round the dough egg into a ball and place on a grease proofed tray. Continuing doing this until you've run out of either dough or eggs. If you run out of dough first, Now you can eat the egg-xtra eggs! (see what I did there). You now need to put your oven ready cookies into the fridge for one last time to chill for another 15mins. They can then be transferred to your preheated oven for 15-18mins.
During this time you can prepare your decorations. To do the same as me
You Will Need:

Icing Sugar with Water
Orange food dye or Orange Icing
and Milk Chocolate

You need to make white icing, orange icing and melt some chocolate, it doesn't have to be milk that's just my favourite.
Once your cookies are cooked, if you leave them to cool slightly then in turn drizzle the melted chocolate over them, then the white etc... you will get the crème egg effect. Now all that's left to do is eat them :D I was a bit worried about mine I didn't think I'd got the consistency right but they taste good so I couldn't of done much wrong!

Thank you very much to She Who Bakes for putting this amazing recipe out there for me to find. I hope you all give this one a go and share them with everyone, find your inner baker :D let me know how you get on in the comments hope to hear from you soon

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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