Poldark - The Signed Scripts

So as you will know from my previous blog, I am a massive Poldark fan. I do all the things a true Poldarkain does; follow them on Twitter, on Instagram, on Facebook, I even convinced my friend to take me on a Poldark tour around Cornwall, to see the sets and accidentally stumbled on them filming--- yes this did happen--- yes I did see Adian Turner--- yes he is just as gorgeous in real life.

So one day as I was trawling Facebook, I come across a Poldark post. A competition... To win the Signed scripts of Poldark series one.... All together now... Oooohhhh. So I did the true Poldarkain thing, I entered it! Now reader, I am one of those people that never win anything. My mum says I'm very lucky and used to win everything when i was younger. She used to get me to pick the raffle tickets, the scratch cards, the lottery numbers however as I have grown older I just don't seem to have as much luck as my mum tells me I did. So after entering this competition I completely forgot about it, as you do with many Facebook competitions. Thousands of people enter, I mean come on what are the chances of you winning.... I know very slim. So it was a Saturday afternoon I was at work and was just going on my lunch. I looked at my phone (as everyone does first thing with this modern technology malarkey) and I have a Facebook message request,  I accepted the message and it tells me I have won the Facebook competition!!!! I was okay with this I read the message and remained very calm, slightly In shock I think that I had even won anything, especially a competition I had completely forgotten about! I decided to ring Alex, as let's be honest after dragging him around Cornwall In the hope of seeing the cast and crew of Poldark: as amazing as he was he didn't complain once, he deserved to be one of the first to know.. As I was on the phone to him I just couldn't stop shaking!! My pure excitement was making me shake so violently... I had just won.... SIGNED POLDARK SCRIPTS!!!!!

They arrived a couple of days later and I can honestly say I was not disappointed, there in the front cover was Aidan Turners signature and Eleanor Tomlinsons too!! Now in the competition comments I had one lady say to me "enjoy... Don't lick the signatures" I can say it took nearly all my will power not to!! The only thing that stopped me was the fact that

1. It would not taste very nice
2. It would probably ruin them then that would be that :(

So as excited as I was I just wanted to share with you my winnings :D I want to say a massive thank you to The Poldark cast and crew to being so amazing, the series is absolutely fabulous and I can't wait for you to return to our screens in the autumn, Thank you to Mammoth S
creens for running the competition and choosing me as the winner :D

If any of you have any stories of random and unexpected wins then please let me know in the comments below I would love to hear them!! Thank you for reading this.

Much love
Little Lelo xxx


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