Ben's Cookies and Mary Poppins

So I've been a little slack this last month, my blog posts have been non-existent... I have no excuses, other than I have been extremely busy with two jobs and rehearsing for two shows, as well as organising a surprise birthday party but more on that later ;)

At the end of October my mum came back to England for a few days. The main reason for her visit was because, back in February I booked tickets to see Mary Poppins at the Bristol Hippodrome for her and my sister's birthday, and in true family style we decided to make it into a little day trip. We set off early on Friday morning and unluckily got caught in half term traffic!!! Typical!! When we finally made it to Bristol around midday we pottered around a few shops but nothing really took our eye, so we decided instead to do the best thing possible sit down and feed our stomachs :D After filling ourselves with yummy food from Bella Italia, we walked down to Ben's Cookies, the second most important reason for our trip.

Now ill let you into a little secret here... I absolutely love Ben's Cookies and the closest shop to me in Dear old Devon is Bristol!!! I no, absolutely gutting :( so every time I go to Bristol it has become a sin to come back without any cookies. Now on my last visit I wasn't very clever I only brought one cookie.. that didn't last me very long, so this time I went all out!!! We brought a box of cookies!!! Buy 5 get 2 free! Mum had 1 cookie, Em had 3 and I had 3 too, because Em and I are greedy hhaha! Now all of my usual cookie flavours had gone so was very brave and tried some new one!! I had a double choc (one of my normal) and a milk choc praline. I knew this was going to be a winner from the moment I first set eyes on it.. I mean ermm?? I love praline at the best of times so to have it in a Bens cookie was obviously a match made in heaven!! Thirdly I had a white choc and macadamia... I wasn't so sure on this but Em had pinched the last white choc cookie. I wasn't disappointed either it was delicious. I would of preferred more white choc in it but I guess that's just personal preference! So after I've highly recommended these delicious cookies if you've never had one before I suggest you hot foot it down to the nearest store you don't know what your missing and if you have had one then go buy another!!

When it was finally time to watch Mary Poppins, we made our way to our seats!! Now as some of you will know from my previous blogs I am a very dramatic person. When I go to watch a show I really struggle not to analyse and work everything out! So upon sitting down mum and I continued to do just that!! Ooo what's that wire for? Where dos that go? That wasn't there last time! etc.. However once the performance started all that was forgotten.. I can honestly say out of all the shows I've seen (and I've seen a few) It was one of the best! I loved the way it stayed true to the story but swayed enough so it wasn't the same. The set was absolutely phenomenal!!! I don't want to say to much as its only at the start of its tour and I hate spoilers. but it was just so clever defiantly one of the best pieces of set I've ever seen. The musical numbers were amazing too!! They haven't used many of the original songs from the Disney version which is understandable as it would cost a fortune to buy the rights to all of them but in true form they are still linked and some of the songs may even be better!!! ***** SPOLIER ALERT**** I am a little gutted they don't actually use the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious song, however the replacement was still to the same high level of expectation. The acting again was on point I feel the children especially did an excellent job and I truly believed Mary  Poppins was Mary Poppins especially when the wires came into use at the end (cryptic messages Mwahhh )

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed my short time in Bristol eating Bens Cookies and watching one of my  favourite childhood films adapted onto stage. For anyone who hasn't eaten a Bens cookie before or hasn't yet seen or booked their tickets to see Mary Poppins on tour... what on earth are you doing with your lives your missing out big time!!! Well why are you still reading this .. go on book those tickets!!! Eat those cookies :)

If you are still reading this then I would love to hear about your cookie preferences or equally if you've watched any amazing shows you think I just have to hear about just leave me a comment below!!!

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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