Festival Of Light - Longleat Safari Park

Every year Longleat Safari Park, hold a festival of light. It is a festival to, I believe, celebrate the lead up to Christmas. Last year I decided to go along and see what all the fuss was about. Seeing as Warminster, where Longleat is situated, is a good two hour drive from me we decided instead of going up just for the festival we would also go up and enjoy the safari during the day.

I haven't been on a safari in ages, in fact I think the last one was when I was a little girl. I can vaguely remember my grandma and granddad taking me to one near Birmingham and a giraffe sticking its head into the car. Anyways as far as safaris' go it was good, it was a bit of a dull day... it wasn't raining but just cloudy and no sunny spells. We ventured through the African village on foot to see the Wallabies and Lemurs, we then hopped back into the car and started the safari experience. I have included a map so you can see exactly where our route took us. It was amazing to see all the animals in close proximity to us, its a bit daunting though when a Lion just walks past the car, so close that if you were allowed, with the window down you could stroke it. One of my favourite parts was the monkey enclosure. Monkeys can be feisty and curious little things and they certainly are at Longleat, if you stop long enough you will soon find one on your car coming along for the ride. Which is all well and good and defiantly provides you with the perfect picture opportunity but when they start pulling your car apart that's when the trouble starts!! Luckily there are rangers on site to help if the monkeys get too much. But all in all its a good laugh even if the person whose car they are pulling apart doesn't find it that funny.

Once we had finished the safari, just as it was starting to get dark, we drove the short distance to Longleat house to get ready for the festival. Last year at Longleat house, they had collaborated with Beatrix Potter to celebrate 150years of her work which just so it happened coincided with 50years of Longleat. Last year was a right old knees up! All I can say is that it is spectacular. The flowers, are at least twice your height all in various colours and species, there are Lions, Elephants and Giraffes all standing proud, the Monkeys where lit up making mischief, it reflected the true safari style. On the large grass lawn was a massive tiered 50th birthday cake with animals all chipping in together to help decorate and in some cases cheekily unwrapping the presents, as well as a Penguin band, because every party is lost with out one of them. Because it gets dark earlier all the lights can be enjoyed for longer. It wasn't until we saw the magical Christmas tree that our journey enjoying the lights really began.

A huge Christmas tree stood in the main courtyard of the house lit up and changing with dancing colours to a musical movie being shown on the side of house. As we followed the crowd through an opening that we hadn't been down that was when the world of Beatrix Potter really overwhelmed us. As I'm sure all little boys and girls did, I grew up reading the stories for Beatrix Potter and her favourite little rabbit, Peter. The team at Longleat had thought of everything, there was Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail, Jemima Puddleduck and Jeremy Fisher, plus every character you can imagine had been included in the display. It was very nostalgic transporting my back to my childhood and my love the well-known characters. following the trail into the house, the display had been carried on to not only display the grandeur of the house to the public but it was also displaying costumes from the ballet, as well as original paintings of Beatrixs' work.

It was a very enjoyable day/evening and I would 100% recommend it I loved every minute and will hopefully be returning again this year. If any body has any other events they think I will enjoy or even your own pictures from the event feel free to share the below. See you soon.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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