Wales and Llanidloes

So, because I haven't posted in over a year I decided that one post was not enough to make up for the lack of me that you all suffered. So over the next few posts I will be filling you in with all of my adventures of the latter part of 2016, and beginning of 2017. Without further ado enjoy.

During the Autumn of last year, myself and my partner, Dan, decided to make a trip to Wales. I had been to Wales before but only once and this was to watch Westlife on tour :D (yes Westlife, I know, I feel old but I love them.) Anyway we booked a self catering miniature cottage in Llanidoes, a beautiful rural area with views that you've only really seen before in a travel book.

We only spent a couple of days there, but we made the most of it. We walked to the source of the River Severn, it really does start in Wales a fact I never knew. it was along walk by my standards although I'm pleased to say I am getting a lot better. A total of 7 miles, which when I write that now doesn't seem that far, but I also had new boots on and by the end of it my feet were hurting. However it was more than worth it, the landscape was all kinds of vibrant and glorious colours, it changed from luscious green forests to barren heathland.

During our stay we also ventured to Aberystwyth, which is just as hard to spell as it is to say. We had the pleasure of the sun keeping us company as we strolled around Aberystwyth Castle, an old Edwardian fortress. We stumbled upon a stone circle complete with stone alter and steps in the middle and in true Leonie style I had to have a power woman photo atop. As we walked along the seafront it was really relaxing, I never realised the charm that Wales can hold over you. We continued along the promenade and took the Cliff Railway up to the highest point, and looked out over the whole of Aberystwyth. After eating and exploring a few of the shops we wound our trip up by finding a traditional sweet shop. The walls where filled with pocket cupboards of any type of pick and mix sweet you can imagine, after kindly being allowed some pocket money from Dan, we brought some sweets and went to eat them out on the seafront. Aberystwyth has a certain feeling, like it's straight out of a film or isn't real and is set up to be a film set. It also reminds me of all the old footage you see of people in black and white enjoying ice creams at a picturesque seaside.

On our journey home we made a slight diversion to a place called Devils Bridge Falls named after The Legend (if you click, it will take you straight to the website page and explain all). It consists of two walks the first one is 45 minutes long and recommended only for the fit and healthy and the other is only 10 minutes long. We opted of course for the harder and longer route, it took us down alongside the waterfall then weaved back up. it was a tough walk after an already full day of walking but I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I originally thought it would be, (I mean there was a little girl with her mum and dad, who also was carrying a baby on his back, doing it. Personally I wouldn't judge it a safe walk to do with a baby on your back or even with you but each to their own). Just to give you a bit of idea of how steep the climbs where I have included an picture, of some steps named Jacobs Ladder luckily we climbed down them and every few steps, as you can vaguely see from the photo, there are iron railings which alternated sides just incase you did fall, then you couldn't fall the whole way down, which was a very long way.

On our journey back home, we drove through the Brecon Beacons and in true style to our (apparently) walking holiday we walked up a mountain. Yes I did protest a fair bit, but I did it!! The view from the top was phenomenal. You could see Wales on one side and turn around to see England, separated by the much larger half of the River Severn. All in all a very enjoyable short holiday and I would defiantly recommend it to anyone wanting a little getaway.

Hope you all enjoyed this recount of my holiday to Wales. Let me know of any good places I can go to when I next go back. See you soon.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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