Rapunzel goes to Birmingham MCMComic Con

So this blog post is very delayed, but the day I went to Birmingham MCM Comic Con was honestly one of the best days of my life so I thought ' better late than never' so here goes.
       In November it was my sister's birthday when asked what she wanted to do she said she wanted to go to Comic con in Birmingham and that she wanted her big sister to tag along with her. Now I will hands up admit that I'm not a comic girl, I never have been and I cant really say I ever will be but if my sister wanted to me to go with her for her birthday I cant really say no now can I? For those who don't know Comic Con is an event where fans of many comics, movies, books and TV shows can get together and share their passions. The big difference between comic con and a normal exhibition is that a lot of the people that attend, Cosplay, (dress up as various characters). Emily went as Rima from Vampire Night, now as I said before im not the biggest comic fan so when she told me she was dressing up i said "Oh Yes!!" But what am I going to be?!? Yes you've guessed it the Disney princess in me was released and I went as Rapunzel!!! :D :D :D

I brought my dress online and had it altered so it was the right length for me... As some of you know I'm a very petite person so whenever I buy "normal people clothes" I have to either have crinkly ankles, have it taken up or just leave it on the shelf :( now I'm sure some people will sympathise with me here but others of you will just never know the struggle of finding a pair of jeans that actually fit!! Anyway I've digressed... I also bought the wig. Oh the wig... let's tell you all the problems. I brought a cheap £10 wig to start with that was 60 inches long and had the intentions to plait it and add flowers myself!! I started doing this and it was just a disaster a complete and utter disaster. So I brought another wig a bit more expensive at £30 but my goodness it was worth it. It was already plaited and the wig cap was good quality as well. I added one flower in to pin the fringe to one side and thought it doesn't need anymore!

Walking around the NEC was amazing my sister had a whale of a time looking at all the different stalls and things to buy... honestly none of this interested me "but you said this was one of the best days of your life" I hear you say... It was, wanna know why? Well read on! Within 5 minutes of us walking into the arena I was stopped and asked if I'd mind my picture being taken. (Of course not! silly question really). When I started the day I'd said I want to get stopped and have my photo taken by at least one person so you can imagine my surprise when it happened when I'd only been in there for 5 mins. For the rest of the day.. I had people running up to me shouting "Rapunzel"..  "Can I have a picture?" It got to the point where if I stood still for too long everyone would pounce and ask for photos so I had to keep moving... Emily has said she won't take me again as we had to keep stopping so much :( As much as I loved the attention of people loving my costume and wanting to take my photo I think one of the best things was all of the little girls who actually believed i was Rapunzel. I gave out so many smiles, waves, hugs and photos to little girls who believed I was a princess and do you know what? At Disneyland I may not be tall enough to work for them as a Disney princess but my one day of being a Disney princess was so amazing that that was good enough for me! Hopefully we are going back later this year and possibly to the London one as well... We shall just have to wait and see what character I choose to go as this time :D

Let me know in the comments what you think of my costume. Also tell me about your cosplay moments if you have any! Look forward to hearing from you.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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