Cinderella in Bournemouth

The last time I went to Bournemouth I was 10 years old, so when mum suggested we go for the Film and Comic Con naturally I said yes, let's make a weekend of it!

So last weekend, Mum, Emily and I left the house at 7:30 on a Saturday morning to travel to Bournemouth. Now contrary to how I making it sound, Bournemouth isn't that far away, about an hour and a half. So we set off on our little road trip... luckily the night before mum had stocked up on the goodies, we had Pain au Chocolat's and Cinnamon Swirls. We had Krispy Kreme Donuts and plenty of Chocolate bars (big ones of course). Also working to our advantage the sun was out :D Yay finally!!!
When we arrived in Bournemouth, after taking a detour via Poole for mum, we headed straight for the BIC, Bournemouth International Centre. We headed inside, to see where would be the best place for us to get changed. In the end we settled for the most glamourous place of all.. you've got it.. the car park!! Now I must say here.. that everything was done very modestly no bits where displayed, and I must say I am a regular at getting changed in the most unusual places. During the latter part of the year I do carnivals, this involves me dancing on a decorated float through the streets of whichever town's carnival it is that week and to get ready we are more often than not changing in our van on the side of road, at the start of the carnival. So as I'm sure you can understand I'm am fairly used to changing where needs must.

Now some of you may have read my previous blog 'Rapunzel goes to Birmingham MCMComic Con' where on my last Comic con adventure I went to surprisingly Birmingham dressed as Rapunzel (you'd never have guessed would you!!). So this time I decided I was going to go one step bigger and one step better! This time Bournemouth was going to have Cinderella visiting! The new Cinderella film is No' 1 of my top 5 favourite films  so you can only imagine my excitement when I found The Dress, at an affordable price with what seemed to be genuine and good quality. My dress came all the way from China, and the delivery dispatch date was 15 days. That's fine I told myself, that gives it a month to get here.15 days later it hadn't been dispatched; a letter to them came back with the reply its going to be another 7 days. 7 days later still not dispatched. By this time I was thinking I'm going to have to be Rapunzel again surely my dress isn't going to be dispatched and arrive in England in just 2 weeks, I don't  think its possible. Until I arrived home from work the Friday before. There was a medium sized parcel waiting for me. Naturally the first thing I did was open it. Well try to open it. I kid you not it took me a good 10 minutes to get into this parcel. It was almost as if the packaging had been made around the dress. It was kind of vacuum packed into it. A bit like Sleeping bags. You know there is always that problem, I can always take a sleeping bag out of its bag but ask me to roll it back up and put it back in and I just cant do it! The sleeping bag is just to big for the bag its supposed to fit in. Anyway I believe this would be the case for my dress as I pulled it out of the finally open bag it just seemed to go on and on and on and on... okay you get the idea. The Dress Is HUGE. Now unfortunately I haven't counted but I believe there is around 20 layers of fabric. It is Soooo Beautiful.

Luckily for me my sister is studying Photography at school, so had brought her camera with her and much the same as Birmingham I had a lot of people running up to me and telling me how beautiful my dress was, and asking if they could have pictures. I also had lots of conversations with awestruck little girls it was just heart melting. On top of this we managed to find a blank wall for Emily to have a play with her camera with me as the subject. I did not mind at all!! I've included some of them just so you can see them :)                                                                                                                 Following on we spent the afternoon walking along the beach and shopping in Bournemouth. I highly recommend Bournemouth as your next shopping destination. Having not been since I was 10 it was a lot better than I remembered! The next day we went to Poole we had a lovely walk along the harbour front, and stopped off in a pottery shop that from the outside looks very deceiving, I could of spent a fortune in there! I'm telling you now, when I move house that will be my No'1 stop and if your ever in Poole I cant tell you enough, you must go in! Over the weekend I also had my first proper ice cream of the year :D 'I scream, You scream, We all scream, For Ice Cream'. As well as Eton Mess and Dolly Mixture Fudge!! I know!! Both amazing :D
Well that's all from me! I hope you enjoyed reading my rather long but hopefully interesting blog! Let me know if you went to Bournemouth Comic Con.. maybe you saw me? Or equally if you've had your first ice cream of the year! Thank you.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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