Tongan Rugby Players

Before I write this post I must admit I am not the biggest Rugby fan, I have always like the idea of Rugby.. I used to play Tag Rugby when I was younger, but that's as close as I've got to actually understanding the game.. and even I know that Tag Rugby and real Rugby are completely different. I have always wanted to go and watch the Exeter Chiefs play at our local Stadium +Sandy Park, but I've never been in the right place at the right time, I always know about the match as its happening or the day before, and although I'm spontaneous (linked to my previous Poldark post) I'm not that organised.
The Rugby World Cup 2015, it only comes around every 4 years and is a very exciting event for a lot of people! It brings people together to support their country. The Rugby Spirit is, lets be honest a lot nicer than a Football atmosphere and people who wouldn't normally be interested in Rugby suddenly are. As some of you will know I live in Devon and this year we have been lucky enough to have 3 of the World Cup games allocated to Sandy Park.
  • Match 20 - Pool C - 29th November Tonga vs. Nambia 
  • Match 32 - Pool C - 7th October Nambia vs. Georgia
  • Match 38 - Pool D - 11th October Italy vs. Romania
Unfortunately none of these matches are against England but I guess you've got to take the positives out of very situation, at least we have got something rather than nothing.
As I was working in Exeter on Saturday 3rd I was lucky enough to bump into some of the Tongan Rugby players! Well what can I say the photo opportunity was to good to miss! I grabbed Lucy, (avid Rugby fan, who had been painting England flags on everyone's faces and hands and positively refusing to paint a welsh flag.) and walked over to ask them for a photo! They were lovely and very obliging. As we got up to walk away after the photo, the team had attracted a lot of attention, and everyone wanted us in their photos too! So after sharing 5 minutes of the teams fame, we decided we had better get back to work. We thanked them immensely and wished them all the best for their match. Which they are playing even as I write. I am pleased to say *SPOLIER ALERT* they are 72 minutes in and are currently winning :D
I hope you have all enjoyed reading this and will check back for more adventures soon!! If you've got any Rugby Stories you think id like to hear leave me a comment below!

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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