Spontaneous Cornwall Trip with Poldark

With Autumn nearly here and Summer pretty much gone before it began, now is that time of year when everyone settles back into that daily routine. The children have gone back to school, the parents are back to work, and all the students are preparing for their first or another year at Uni. Although I cant say any of these things apply to me, they do apply to my friends. Now I like to think I'm quite a spontaneous person, so when Alex (my friend and colleague) suggested we go to Cornwall for a night, that is just what we did. I found someone to look after my girlies and the next day we drove down to Cornwall. We arrived at St. Agnes first and went for a short walk down to the beach then up along the cliff to stretch our legs, it was very windy, but I really enjoyed it.

Now don't get me wrong I am not a fan of the wind; last time I was in Cornwall, I said I wasn't going back because it was too windy! What is there to like about it? It blows your hair in your face and it normally makes you a lot colder than you really need to be, but none the less, I enjoyed our walk.
We moved on to Chapel Porth where Alex promptly made me do some rock descending. That's rock Climbing but going down instead of up.I kid you not the rock descending was 2 degrees off vertical, the only thing stopping me from going down on my bum, I was seriously considering it, was I'd of ended up with a muddy bum, not attractive!

That evening, we went out for Dinner to +Trevaskis Farm. First impressions of the restaurant, it looked really posh and we felt very under-dressed. Once inside all outfit regrets were forgotten as smack bang in front of you was a glass dessert cabinet filled with large mouth-watering desserts.
We were seated in the restaurant, which wasn't as posh as first impressions lead us to believe but rather like a Garden centre set up, (which I believe it is during the day). The vast menu gave us so much choice, I opted for the Gammon Steak, which arrived very quickly with various veg, and two types of potatoes!! In spite of the fact the food was a little pricey, you got your moneys worth. This left us very full with no room for Dessert!! I can hear you all shouting "What.... you didn't try those cakes!!!!" Don't fret... we took an éclair to eat later.. yes one éclair between the two of us it was that big!! Overall Trevaskis Farm I had a lovely evening you were all fab and I hope to see you soon!!

Day Two, was a lot more exciting. I am a massive fan of Poldark!! No'1 fan right here!! We headed off to Botallack mine, (Ross Poldark's Mine). I knew they had been filming down there the last couple of days but didn't expect them to still be there I jut wanted to say I'd been there. We didn't know where we were going, but followed all the Unit A signs to the location, much better than a Sat Nav :) As we pulled up several roads had been closed, and the car park was full of crew, vans and cars! As we walked closer to the old mine, we could see them all filming!

As they are filming on a coastal path, we were allowed to walk through the edge of the set, but only when they had finished shooting a scene. I can say hand on heart that it probably made my year!! Especially when we walked.... past Aidan Turner!!!! Dressed as Ross Poldark.. and honestly, I think I can safely say.. I am in Love! I did my best to get a picture of him for you all, (I'm saying that as an excuse its just for my benefit really) but we were only allowed to take pictures either side of the set and even then they didn't want us hanging around. Now as an Actor myself I no how frustrating
things like this can be so we didn't stay to long but just long enough. :D
For the rest of the day I stayed In my Poldark Bubble, a very happy lady. That my friends concludes my spontaneous journey down to Windy Cornwall! I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and I've inspired you to do something spontaneous. If so tell me about it in the comments below :)

Love you
Little Lelo xxx


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