All About Me


So if you've got this far you probably thinking, come on who are you? well, my friends I'm just about to tell you!

I'm Leonie, 21 Years old, Aspiring Actress, Disney Fanatic and an all round Life Loving Girl! I live in Devon, with my two Cats, Bella and Maisy and to be fair that's all there is to me! So what would a simple girl like me have to write about on a blog? Well it occurred to me the other day absolutely everything!!
  • I have fabulous friends, who pick me up when I'm sad, put up with my craziness and make my life the best it could be!
  • I have an amazing job, everyday is different. Sometimes challenging, sometimes rewarding and always lots of fun !
  • I have soo many hobbies, and opportunities that I never really stop!
So with all of that in mind, I thought if I start a blog, it would be an easy way of recording my memories. It would be an easy way of making new friends and new memories.

Thank you for getting this far and not giving up, and if your really interested stay tuned for my next post :)


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