10 Things That Make Me..... Me!


How are you all today?! Its a bit miserable in Devon today so I thought I would make use of my time by writing another blog post for all you lovely people. So, hopefully you've read my All About Me post following on from this I thought id tell you 10 things that Make Me .... Me!

  1. I Love the Sun, everything is just 10 times better when its sunny.
  2. I Love Holidays, take me away, hot or cold I just love discovering new places and relaxing.
  3. I Love Cats, especially my two girlies Bella and Maisy.
  4. I Love Disney, deep down I'm sure I'm a Disney princess, possibly Rapunzel. Well one can wish.
  5. I Love my Job, not many people can claim this but in my job in radio, I absolutely love it, there is never a day the same and we always have so much fun!
  6. I Love my Friends, I am extremely lucky, to have such a fab bunch of friends, I bet you couldn't find better bunch. Hand-picked to perfection -- well almost ;).
  7. I Love Shoes, my shoes collection is no where near as big as id like, or as organised for that matter, but my mum often asks me if im Centipede, due to the amount of shoes left around the house :/.
  8. I Love Dressing Up, now when I say dressing up, I don't mean fancy dress, although that is rather fun too, no I mean.. formal dressing up.. going out for meal or for party I'm always the one that goes slightly OTT, but I'm well known for it!
  9. I Love Acting, so far this year I've done a show every month, apart from July, and November is blank too.? any ideas greatly received.
  10. I Love Carnivals, now I'm not a big fan of standing in the cold in rain watching a load of people dancing on floats go by.. so I took it one step further I am actually on a float. I am part of Budleigh Salterton Carnival Club, and almost every Saturday between the end of July and December we do a carnival on the East Devon circuit, including Bridgewater, Home of the Carnival.
Now, you all know a little bit more about me, when I first started this post, it was called 20 Things... but after getting to 10 I cant think of any more and this post is getting long as it is. So if you really enjoyed this posted and want to know more about me, then let me know in the comments and I might slip in "10 more things to know about me" also leave a comment letting me know some things about you!!!

Speak Soon :)

Little Lelo xxx


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