Winter Chocolate Already!

Autumn is just beginning, and Summer is, all of sudden clinging on for dear life.. so why are we starting to see Christmas appearing in all of the shops!
Every year I hear people complaining, why is Christmas forced upon us so early? Now I know lots of people who thrive at the idea of an extended Christmas and quite openly start celebrating in September. I know lots of people who absolutely hate it and protest profusely to anyone who will listen.. BAH HUMBUG, and I know lots people, who like me love Christmas, but think October is a little early, but hey it only happens once a year so although you protest so much you secretly enjoy every second of it.
One of the best things about Christmas is the Food; its a bit like Easter eggs... they are only chocolate but we all know that Easter eggs taste a lot better than normal everyday chocolate. No-one knows why but it does. Your Christmas roast dinner will always taste 10 times better than your average Sunday roast, and following suit, for me, Christmas chocolate tastes so much better than normal chocolate.
My top 3 chocolates to eat at Christmas are..

1. Cadburys Winter Wonderland
2. Quality Street
3. Assorted Chocolate Biscuits.

Now if you've got this far without getting fed up that I'm talking about Christmas so early, you'll be wondering "Come on.. What's your point" well my point is.. I walked into Co-op earlier today and I found one of my all time favourite chocolate bars!! I absolutely love Cadburys Winter Wonderland. Whether it is Summer or Winter, Christmas or Birthday. I could eat this chocolate all year round. I'm pretty sure everybody has at least one type of chocolate that they feel is just pure heaven, well this is mine!!! So considering that unfortunately I am stupid enough to choose a seasonal chocolate to be one of my all time favs I'm sure you can understand my excitement at finding it 1. brought back for another Christmas (Thank you +Cadbury) and 2. in shops so early (Thank you again)!
So although I don't like the idea of Christmas arriving too early.. I guess it does have it benefits :D
 With that in mind, I'm going to love you, leave you and go and enjoy my chocolate.

Let me know in the comments if you are a Christmas Celebrator, a Bah Humbug or a Secret Christmas Lover as well as telling me what your favourite chocolate is!
Christmas Excitement Over (for now ;))

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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