My Top 5 Favourite Films

I am a massive film lover, so much so that I have 2 stands of DVDs, as well as a bookcase full of them. When I watch TV I will always look for what films are on before I resort to watching programmes, unless its The Great British Bake Off or Poldark of course! So I thought it was only fitting that I list my current/all time favourites Top 5 films! Now narrowing down my top 5 is quite tricky but I've done my best.

1. Cinderella
2. Tanged
3. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
4. The Holiday
5. Sound of Music
At the moment I am addicted to Kenneth Branagh's, Disney Cinderella released earlier this year! This is your typical Disney princess fairytale, and true to Fairytale tradition it does end in a happy ending, with just the right amount of evil stepmother, comic stepsisters and of course a handsome prince. but the dress...WOW don't we all wish we could own a dress like that and actually have a reason to wear it!! Overall the acting is on point, the costumes are fantastic and the story is 100% believable especially for someone who like me is just waiting for her Handsome Prince to appear.

Secondly Tangled, this is without a doubt my favourite animated  Disney film ever!!!! I love the storyline, I love the songs and I just love Rapunzel. I mean who wouldn't want long hair that glows when you sing, and to find out your a long lost princess.

I have kind of cheated on my third favourite, by saying the Lord of the Rings trilogy, so that's kind of 3 in 1 which I'm not sure counts but seeing as I'm writing this I decided id allow it. Now this is a complete contrast to my two Disney favourites, as much I love a good light hearted Disney film. I also love action/fantasy and this just hits the nail right on the head, I think Peter Jackson has perfected J.R.R Tolkien books, alright he has left bits out and added bits in, but that's an artistic license that every director uses. I would like to add in The Hobbit but I'm not a bit fan of the last film, I think it loses its way with too much fighting. But either way The LOTR Trilogy captures everyone attention and uses their imagination to its benefit.
My fourth and fifth, are my all time favourites, absolute classics that are, in my opinion, a must have in any film collection. The Holiday, this is your classic, Christmas that you don't have to watch at Christmas film. Its a bit of romance with comedy elements and the closest to real life out of all my top 5. I just love the way you get drawn in and suddenly its Christmas with snow and although its a romance its not so romantic it makes all us singletons feel left out. And finally, The Sound Of Music, this had to make my top 5 really, I was brought up with this film. Every time I visited my grandma when I was little I pleaded to put this film on, and every time id dance, id sing, and I still do it now, although I don't have as much time to watch it as I used to. This classic by Rodger and Hammerstein follows the journey of a trainee nun as she takes on the task of looking after the Von Trapp Family consisting of 7 children. Its a definite watch if you haven't already and the songs are all timeless so its no surprise really that its made my top 5!
That's it from me, let me know in the comments what your favourite films are. You never know you might have some favourites I've never watched!!  

Much Love
Little Lelo xxx


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