Glitter Bows

Most people get very excited when they receive presents, whether its Birthday, Christmas or just because. A lot of people, like me, love receiving things in the post, even if you've brought the parcels yourself. Its one of those things... you place your order, then "forget" about it. The day your parcel arrives, the doorbell goes and you wonder who on earth that could be *insert guilty face*. When the Postman presents you with your parcel you feign ignorance ' what could this be?' 'its for me!?' you sign and shut the door, do a sneaky excited dance and run and open the parcel. As you open it you find yourself thinking 'what could it be' you know full well what it is but you've managed to convince everyone else that someone has sent you this, therefore your starting to convince yourself  too. When you find out what it is you remember that yes you really did order it for yourself but it doesn't matter, now its arrived the excitement you felt when you order it has come back and 'YAYYYYY Presents' :D
This is how I felt when I arrived home late on Friday, to a parcel waiting for me. I had ordered 4 Glitter Bows by Beauxoxo. Each bow, is handcrafted by the talented Georgie, and finished to perfection. Now as a lover of all things glittery when I first heard of these, I was so excited, I already had one small pale gold glitter bow which I had brought from Claire's accessories in the sale. But these bows where richer in colour, bigger and sooo glittery they instantly became a must have. To make them even more of a must-have they were easily affordable. So you can only imagine my excitement at receiving my purchase. I opened the box, and lifted up the pale glittery tissue paper, to find two medium sized bows, in Royal Blue and Ruby Slippers Red and two small sized bows, in Gold and Hot Pink Fuchsia. Nestled inside the tissue paper, was also included a dairy milk chocolate bar and a mini pack of love hearts :D instant winner! There was also a hand written postcard, Thanking me for my purchase.
I am thoroughly pleased with my purchase and look forward to wearing them all the time! Yes I'm wearing one now ;) They are perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to any outfit, day or night and I will defiantly be buying from her again.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this post, and let me know in the comments if you do the same as me, ordering presents for yourself ;) 

Much Love
Little Lelo xxx


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