Pancake Day with help from Jamie Oliver

Good Evening!! So it has finally hit us the eve of Pancake day! Now if you've read my Birthday blog you will already no I love my pancakes so when I realised I was too busy on pancake day to have pancakes drastic action had to be taken... I had them a day earlier :D Problem solved.
       Pancake day represents different meanings for different people, some people are not bothered about pancake day, some see it as a reason to eat pancakes, and others use it for religious meanings. Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday - the first day of Lent, is a day to clean the soul and a day of celebration. It is the last day before lent to feast, to clear the cupboards and use all of those naughties hidden at the back and what better way to use them than on a pancake.

To make my pancakes I used Jamie Oliver's American Pancake recipe.
You will need:
3 Large Eggs
115g of Plain Flour
1 heaped teaspoon of Baking Powder
140ml of Milk
and a pinch of salt.

Firstly you need to separate the eggs yolks into one bowl with all of the other ingredients and whisk. With the eggs whites you need to whisk them up to stiff peaks. When whisking I recommend you use a electric whisk, from previous experience it is much quicker than whisking by hand at least 2 people and 20mins quicker to be precise. Once you have managed to achieve stiff peaks on your egg whites gently fold them into your main mixture. Then you are ready to rumble! (for Jamie's full in detail recipe click on the link above.)

I was sharing my amazing pancake making skills with my Grandma, so I ended up making 8 pancakes in total 2 large and 6 smaller ones. I made 4 normal pancakes ready for a topping of our choice but with the other 4 I got a little bit creative. The first pancake I put in my frying pan I decided to sprinkle mini marshmallows into the batter. Once it was flippable I flipped it to cook the other side. Marshmallows in pancakes, I no genius idea... however they started to stick to my pan as they melted and although it tasted good It wasn't as good as my 2nd creative pancake. Chocolate chip chunks, same again I added the chunks into the batter side and flipped it.. the result absolutely amazing!!! I honestly cannot believe I am 22 and only just discovered that putting chocolate INTO your pancakes rather than settling for second best by putting it ON them, is so just so much better! They were so good I made 2 more. So everyone.. either tomorrow or today or whenever you like maybe next year.. depending on when you read this, it needs to be done. I promise you, you will not be disappointed (unless you don't like chocolate, but who doesn't like chocolate).

For the rest of my pancakes a few of my toppings included:
Bananas                                                                     Lemon
Golden/maple syrup                                                  More Chocolate Chips
Sugar                                                                         Honey

However you can use anything you like. Clear those cupboards and enjoy yourselves, eat until your hearts content and for anybody on a diet 1 day wont hurt, just live a little if you forget you ever ate it whose to say you did.. you can get things back on track tomorrow ;)  

That's all from me, leave me a comment if you feel like it, id love to hear some of your pancake combinations as well as pictures too.

 Love You
Little Lelo xxx


  1. I'm a sucker for pancakes, and I hate when I can't think of any new ideas for them so I settle for the old, boring, and plain pancakes. Thanks for sharing your recipe!

    1. No problem! Try the chocolate chips in the batter.. its amazing, I promise :D let me know what you think xx


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