I'm Feeling 22

Heyy, Hello, Ahola, Bonjour, Guten tag!! So.. I know I'm an awful human being.. it is my first blog post of the year and its almost the end of Jan :( I'm sorry. I've just been so busy and I know that's no excuse but I just haven't had the time to write about my life to all you lovely beans!! But I did make a promise to someone to write about the best day of my life so far this year and even if it is 26 days late.. everything is better late than never right? So here goes...

Once Upon A Time in a town not to far away, on the 3rd day of the year 1994 at sometime around 3pm something life changing happened... A beautiful princess was born. She was fair of face, (because she was born on a Monday and the rhyme says so) she had big brown eyes and little tuffs of brown hair and although the people didn't know it yet this beautiful baby girl would one day be known throughout the land..

....Okay lets stop there the story goes on but it could get boring so we will fast forward 22 years, and we find ourselves in Devon and it is the princesses 22nd birthday.. still beautiful (well I like to think so) but not so much of a baby anymore....

I woke up at 8.15am to be precise fairly early for me on 1) a Sunday and 2) my day off. I'm lying in bed replaying the events of the previous evening, we had finished our show early, and decided to go to the pub. This is a normal occurrence for us after rehearsal or in this case a show, a customary drink or general chit chat is required to wind down before heading off to our respective homes. After this I kidnapped (not literally) two of my closest friends for a sleepover we got home shared a pizza and 3 fish fingers each between us. We then made hot chocolate. Whittards Hot Chocolate, I would just like to mention is the best hot chocolate in the world if you have never tried it what are you doing with your life find some and buy it and try it now!!! Jake had Luxury, Katrina had Mint and I had Rocky Road hot chocolate, during our mass production of hot chocolate, cream and marshmallows I realised the time and in the middle of the kitchen at only a couple of minutes past midnight I made the pair of them sing me Happy Birthday!! After this we settled down to watch Pirates of the Caribbean and at 2am stumbled upstairs to bed. So know you can all see why it is so unusual that I was awake at this time in the morning especially as I didn't get to sleep until 2 but as anybody will know when it is your birthday you don't need sleep because it is your day to shine!!!! And shine I did, the first thing I did when I realised it was my proper birthday day was get up and put my tiara on!!!!

Once everyone was awake we started making Pancakes ... American style!! Now id like to put in little note here.. none of us are chefs... none of us had made these before and our progress was hindered greatly by the fact we had to whisk the egg whites.. by hand.. yes you heard me by hand and it made the pancakes taste so much better for all the hard work we endured to make them :D To make our new found cooking skills taste even better we topped our pancakes with bacon and maple syrup Yummy :)

We had a matinee show that day (a show in the afternoon for all you non theatre folk out there) so we headed down to the theatre where I was greeted with lots of cards, presents, hugs and lots and lots of love from all my fellow friends and cast members!! I was also pulled up on stage at the end of the show and sang Happy Birthday to, which in all honesty I didn't think was going to happen this year!! At the end of the show I had invited everyone back to mine for a mini party.. we had a buffet with cake, pizza (again) sausages and crisps and of course no party would be complete without a customary bottle (or three) of champagne!! What else should one have at ones birthday. I had an all round absolutely amazing birthday. I must admit I don't really remember the evening but it is helped massively by the mass of photos I found on my phone the next morning and the faint memory of myself running round saying I need to take pictures i wont remember this!!!

I would like to say a massive Thank you to everyone that wished me Happy Birthday as well as to everyone who helped me celebrate it. Finally I would like to say an absolutely humongous Thank you to two very special people who without them my birthday just wouldn't of been as fabulous and I was truly treated like princess all day so Thank you Kit Kat and Thank you Jake I love you both immensely xoxoxox

So that's it from me I hope you have enjoyed reading about my birthday as much as I have reliving and writing about it all.

Love You
Little Lelo xxx


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